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“Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights.”


Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

“The path to equality is to focus on what unites us and what we have in common as human beings.”

Elisabeth Badinter, "Place aux femmes"

À propos
Cartoon by Hall for Cartooning for Women

In 2017, #MeToo called for sexual harassment victims to uncover and expose the abuse they had suffered. Millions of women from all over the world spoke with one voice since then.

Although our society seems to be engaged in a necessary reflection on women condition and equality between women and men as a goal, respect for women’s rights is still far from being taken for granted, nor secured. Neither in France nor worldwide.


On the occasion of International Women's Day, Cartooning for Peace, the French Ministry of Culture and the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation join forces to promote equality, within the framework of the French presidency of the European Union, the France-Portugal Season 2022 and the Equality Forum (8-10 March 2022) in Angers.


On this occasion, Cartooning for Peace presents its exhibition “Cartooning for Women”* from 7 to 31 March (more info here). With 30 international (and in particular European) press cartoons, the exhibition looks back at women’s rights after #MeToo. The exhibition condemns injunctions, inequalities and violence against women, shows a plurality of views and supports feminist battles and their decisive issues at stake with humour, impertinence and the powerful strike of press cartoons.


The cartoons presented here are from the exhibition and downloadable to share on social networks with #cartooningforwomen.

* The exhibition is taken from the book “En avant toutes!”of the Cartooning for Peace collection published by Gallimard, in partnership with Amnesty International France, and a preface by Laure Adler.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations.

In 2017, 50,000 women were killed worldwide by an intimate partner or family member.

“In spite of the blatant inequalities of women throughout the world, we have in common the right and the duty to revolt against what is done to us, for the only reason that we are born female.”


Laure Adler, "En avant toutes !"

A single moment can spark a revolution, collective actions can transform laws, creative expression can change attitudes and an invention can alter the course of history.


ADENE (France)

Adene, whose real name is Anne Derenne, is a French illustrator currently living in Spain since 2009. She has a degree in international economy and has been working as a cartoonist for many years. She publishes regularly in various French magazines and collaborates with the website Cartoon Movement. Award winner of many international prices, she also draws for some NGO, associations and foundations as Adessium or Cordaid.


Alaa Satir is a Sudanese cartoonist from Khartoum, graduated as an architect from the University of Khartoum. She is currently working as graphic designer, illustrator and cartoonist. Various offices and NGOs used her visual art.

She made her first personal exhibition in 2017 called "Morning Doodles", addressing topics like feminism, social media and politic. She also joined an exhibition in March 2018 for women’s right and gender-based violence, launched a new brand in June 2018 named Planet.B.

CARRILHO (Portugal)

In his 25-year career, André Carrilho has won more than 30 national and international awards in illustration, comics, animation and caricature.

His work has been published in a long list of newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Independent on Sunday, NZZ am Sonntag, Harper’s Magazine, Diário de Notícias and New Statesman.

In 2002, he received the Gold Award for Illustrator’s Portfolio from the Society for News Design (USA), one of the most prestigious illustration awards in the world. In 2015, one of his cartoons about the ebola epidemic became viral worldwide, winning the World Press Cartoon Grand Prix.

CRISTINA (Portugal)

Cristina Sampaio lives in Lisbon where she has been working since 1986 as an illustrator and press cartoonist for several national and international magazines and newspapers such as Expresso, Kleine Zeitung, Courrier International, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

She has also worked in animation, multimedia, scenography and published several children’s books.

Her work has been presented in various group and solo exhibitions in Portugal and around the world.

In 2002, 2005 and 2009 she received the Award of Excellence from the Society for News Design (USA). In 2006 and 2010, she was awarded the Stuart Prize for the best Portuguese press cartoon. In 2007, she also received the first prize in the editorial category of the World Press Cartoon and the honourable mention in 2009 and 2015.

Currently she collaborates regularly with Público (Portugal), with Alternatives Economiques and Courrier International (France) and with the television channel RTP3 (Portugal).

ELENA (Colombia)

Elena María Ospina is a Colombian painter, illustrator and cartoonist.

She participated in various projects in Colombia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Panama, Spain and England. Her work is regularly published in several Spanish-speaking newspapers and magazines.


An Iranian-born artist, Firoozeh Mozaffari studied graphic design in Tehran.

She works with several newspapers such as Shargh, Etemad, Farhikhtegan and a news website Khabaronline. She has acted as a referee in many international cartoon competitions in Iran and also in 29th Aydin Dogan cartoon competition in Turkey. She also received several awards for her cartoons during festivals in Iran and has been one of the 4 Iranian cartoonists who were awarded by Kofi Annan in 2012.

Despite being a very active member in the executive committee of the international cartoon biennials that take place each year in Tehran, Firoozeh boycotted the ninth event to protest against the violence after the presidential elections in 2009.

GLEZ (Burkina faso)

Born in 1967, Damien Glez is a French-Burkinabe press cartoonist, columnist, lyricist, teacher, scriptwriter of television series and author of the strip comic Divine comedy. For 25 years, he was deputy editor of the satirical weekly Journal du Jeudi.

His drawings are regularly published in Rolling Stone, Jeune Afrique, Habari RDC, Benbere, Afrique Magazine, The Africa report, World policy Journal...

They were awarded prizes at the BD’Farafina festival, the Premios Muestra Internacional de Humor Grafico, the Geneva International Book and Press Fair, the Banja Luka Cartoon Competition, the Hadaf Somalia International Cartoon Competition, the Premio Satira Politica de Forte Dei Marmi and the Desertif’actions Summit.

HALL (united states of america)

Ed Hall has spent the last twenty years building a reputation as an editorial cartoonist with bite. He graduated from The University of Florida in 1986 with a Masters degree in Fine Art. While in college he did cartoons and illustrations for The Alligator, UF’s school newspaper.

After college, Ed Hall worked for several weekly publications in and around Jacksonville, and finally settled at The Baker County Press in Macclenny, Florida where he continues to work as the weekly cartoonist. Over the last 11 years, Hall has won 9 Florida Press Association Awards, 3 Newsmaker Awards, and numerous fine art awards. In 2003, Ed was presented the53rd Annual Green Eyeshade Award for weekly cartoons by The Society of Professional Journalists.

Ed has also three times received the prestigious Excellence in Journalism Award from The Florida Press Club. Hall has published two collections of his cartoons. The first “Code Red,” released in 2003, was widely praised for it’s originality and breadth. In 2006, he published his second volume, entitled “Diversions.”

Ed’s work is distributed through Artizans, a Canadian Syndicate, and has been featured in several European publications including Der Spiegel, and The New Internationalist Magazine.

NARDI (Italy)

Professor of illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Nardi has drawn for Diario, Corriere della Sera, Il Misfatto, L’Antitempo and many others.

She collaborated for Il Fatto Quotidiano, from its publication until 2018.

She is currently drawing for Left, Il fiore del partigiano, Espoir and Zelium, and online for DosBufones and CartoonMovement. In 2019 she participated in the (unfortunately brief) editorial adventure of SinéMadame.

Among the most important awards, Nardi received the First Prize at the World Press Freedom Cartoon in Ottawa in 2011 and the Prix Forte dei Marmi per la Satira politica for Satirical Drawing in 2013.

In 2018, she received the highest distinction at the World Press Cartoon in Caldas da Raínha (Portugal): the Grand Prix and at the same time the First Prize in the Editorial Cartoon category. This is the first time a woman has won this award in the 13 editions of the festival.

NO-RIO (Japan)

No-río (Norio Yamanoi) was born in 1947 in Japan.

From 1977 to 1997, he spent ten years in France where he was director of short films; he especially realised movies for Unesco campaign. He finally returned to Japan, where he became a cartoonist.  Since 1988, he has published a weekly cartoon in AERA (Japanese weekly magazine).

No-río has won several awards including in 1991 the “Bunshun Manga Sho”, the most prestigious prize for drawing in Japan. He also travels two months a year around the world to promote tolerance and peace through his cartoons.


Rayma Suprani is a Venezuelan press cartoonist who was born in Caracas. She graduated in journalism at the Central University of Venezuela and she worked for various newspapers based in Caracas such as El Diaro Economia Hoy and the Diario de Caracas.

For 19 years, she published her cartoons in El Universal, but in September 2014, she was fired from her newspaper for publishing a cartoon that portrayed Hugo Chávez’s signature and because it criticized the health care system in Venezuela.

Rayma was awarded the Interamerican Society Press Prize (2005) and the Pedro Leon Zapata Prize as Venezuela Best Cartoonist (2000, 2009). Rayma has also been threatened many times for her cartoons, in which she depicts Venezuelan news.

She is one of the protagonists of the film Caricaturists – Footsoldiers of democracy, directed by Stéphanie Valloatto. In 2015, she gives conferences on the defence of human rights for the Freedom House organization and the Oslo Freedom Forum in Norway.


Willis from Tunis was born on Thursday, January 13 2011, during Tunisia’s deposed president’s speech, which promised, among other things, freedom of expression. Initially, this feline cartoon chronicle was used to share the author’s feelings about the historical situation that Tunisians were going through with her entourage on Facebook. With a satirical tone of wry and sometimes black humor, the tomcat chronicled the news on a daily basis. From about twenty friends on Facebook initially, Willis from Tunis has over 50,000 followers today.

Nadia Khiari, a teacher of fine arts, painter and cartoonist, has published several collections of revolution chronicle cartoons and her drawings appear in Siné Mensuel, Courrier international and Zelium.

She received the Honoré Daumier Award (at the second meeting of Cartooning for Peace in Caen in 2012), the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Liège in 2013, the international prize in political satire in Forte dei Marmi (October 2014), The Agora Med Price in Genoa (June 2015), The “Couilles au cul” at the Off off off Angoulême Festival (January 2016), The Prize of the cartoonists in The Festival “Traits d’humour” (Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, October 2017) and the Sokol Prize (karikaturmuseum in Krems, Austria, September 2018).

with the support of

in partnership with


The association Cartooning for Peace was created in 2006 at the initiative of Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize and former General Secretary of the United Nations, and press cartoonist Plantu.

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists committed to the promotion of freedom of expression, Human Rights and mutual respect among people upholding different cultures and believes, using the universal language of press cartoons.


Today chaired by the French cartoonist Kak, the 1901 law association is recognized as an association of general interest.


Plantu and Kofi Annan

discover all of our contents
on men-women equality:

En avant toutes.jpg

The book

"En avant toutes !"

Place aux femmes.jpg

The book

"Place aux femmes !"

les images de la diversite.jpg

The teaching kit
"Les images de la diversité"

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